Flowers bring beauty and joy into our homes and lives, their vibrant colours and exquisite fragrances adding a touch of elegance to any setting. Whether you're a seasoned floral enthusiast, buying from a Florist or new to the delights of flower arranging, knowing how to care for your blooms is essential for prolonging their life and maximising their beauty. In this comprehensive guide, we'll share expert tips and tricks for keeping your flowers looking fresh and vibrant for longer.

Selecting Your Flowers

The journey to longer-lasting blooms begins with selection. Opt for fresh flowers with firm petals and buds just beginning to open. Flowers picked at their peak freshness are more likely to withstand the test of time. Look out for any signs of wilting or browning, which indicate a flower past its prime.

Preparing Your Flowers

Once home, prepare your flowers for their vase life. Using a clean, sharp knife or scissors, cut the stems at a 45-degree angle. This increases the surface area for water absorption and prevents the stem from sitting flat at the bottom of the vase, ensuring your flowers stay hydrated.

Choosing the Right Vase

Select a vase that complements the height and style of your flower arrangement. Clean your vase thoroughly with hot, soapy water to remove any bacteria that could harm your flowers. A clean environment is crucial for extending the life of your blooms.

Water Wisely

Fill your vase with lukewarm water, as most flowers absorb warm water more efficiently than cold. Add a flower food packet if available, or make your own solution with a teaspoon of sugar and a few drops of bleach to nourish your flowers and keep the water clean. Change the water every two days to prevent bacterial growth.

Location, Location, Location

Place your flowers in a cool spot out of direct sunlight, away from radiators and electronic devices that generate heat. Extreme temperatures can cause flowers to dehydrate and wilt prematurely. Also, avoid placing your flowers near fruit, as ripening fruit emits ethylene gas, which can cause flowers to age faster.

Regular Maintenance

Check your flowers daily, removing any wilting or dead petals and leaves that fall below the waterline. Decaying organic matter can contaminate the water and shorten the life of your flowers. Trimming the stems slightly every time you change the water can also help maintain water uptake.

Special Care for Specific Flowers

Different flowers have unique care requirements. For example, tulips continue to grow after being cut and can bend towards light sources, so rotating them can help maintain a straight posture. Roses benefit from having their stems trimmed and water changed regularly to prevent bacterial growth. Lilies, on the other hand, have pollen that can stain their petals (and your furniture), so gently remove the anthers with a tissue.

Embrace the Power of Mist

Some flowers, particularly those with a lot of surface area like hydrangeas, benefit from regular misting. This helps keep them hydrated and can prevent their petals from drying out. However, do this sparingly and avoid over-wetting the petals, as too much moisture can lead to fungal diseases.


Caring for your flowers with the right techniques can significantly extend their life, allowing you to enjoy their beauty and fragrance for as long as possible. Whether you're buying Valentine's Flowers or for another occasion, it's always worth looking after them to ensure you get your money's worth. By selecting fresh blooms, preparing them correctly, and providing the proper care and environment, you can ensure your flowers remain a vibrant and delightful presence in your home. Remember, each flower is unique, and understanding their specific needs can make all the difference in their longevity. Keep these tips and tricks in mind to enjoy longer-lasting blooms that continue to brighten your days.